CBSE Schools in Srikakulam

A school is a place where the foundation of every student develops. It is a place of learning new things which help your children to grow well in their life. People treat educational institutions as temples because it is a place where ample knowledge is grasped by the students and is termed as the basement of a child’s career.

There are so many cbse schools in Srikakulam which offer the best curriculum to your children to enhance their skills in this beautiful world but Delhi Public School in Srikakulam is the best one among all of them.

When you are joining your children in schools you might have some insecurities regarding the education and facilities, it is very common. Wherever you go you face the same problem but at Delhi Public school in Srikakulam they guarantee that you won’t feel an iota of insecurity.

We all know that CBSE schools are the best and they provide a strong foundation to your children by teaching them the way to develop language and communication skills with separate sessions apart from the curriculum.

Most schools will just concentrate on the curriculum. But the Delhi Public School in Srikakulam will look into each and every aspect and always strives hard for the betterment of your child to improve him/her in all the directions starting from minor goals to major goals and giving proper guidance to your children for their better survival in the society.

The syllabus designed in Delhi Public School is in such a way that it covers most of the interesting factors which help the students to gain good knowledge in this competitive world.

The Delhi Public School in Srikakulam has faculty who have a profound understanding of the subjects. The biggest asset for this school is the staff they have because all they have achieved as of now is only because of them.

The teachers here will interact with your kids cordially and allow them to speak fluent English which is a part of language skills as mentioned earlier.

The Characteristics Of Delhi Public school in Srikakulam

The schools will enhance the group it is implanted inside and serves.
The schools can adjust rapidly to human needs and innovation change.
The schools produce understudies that read and compose, as well as decide to.
The school sees itself.
The schools have various and convincing measures of success–measures that families and groups comprehend and esteem.
The schools are loaded with understudies that don’t simply see “much,” yet rather realize what merits understanding.
The school knows it can’t do it all, so looks to do what’s fundamental incredibly well.
The school enhances different schools and social associations it’s associated with.
The schools are dependably on and never shut. (It is not a manufacturing plant.)
The schools verifies that each and every understudy and family feels welcome and comprehended on square terms.
The schools must be loaded with understudies that pose extraordinary inquiries, as well as do as such with incredible recurrence and fierceness.
The schools change understudies; understudies change incredible schools.
The schools comprehend the contrast between broken considering and broken execution.
The school talks about the language of its understudies.
The schools don’t make discharge guarantees, make honorable yet deceptive statements of purpose, or misdirect guardians and group individuals with edu-language. It is bona fide and straightforward.
The school esteems its instructors and chairmen and guardians as specialists of understudy achievement.
The school must favor customized learning over separated learning.
The schools show thought processes, not content.

The fee structure of Delhi Public School in Srikakulam is:

One time Admission Fee – Non Refundable – 25000 + 5000 ( Caution Money )
Yearly Annual Fee- ( Payable in 3 installment ) –
Nursery to Prep – Rs 20000/-
Class 1 to 5 – Rs 30000/-
CLass 6 to 10 – Rs 40000/-
class 11 and 12 – Rs 50000/-


Transport Fees:
upto 5 km – 10000/-
upto 5km and below 10 km – rs 15000/-
Above 10 KM – Rs 31500/-

Note: Books, Uniform, and activity fee are not included in the fees

The main purpose of the schools is to guide a child in the right direction, skills, knowledge and also develop their positive attitude in them. Whether it may be a CBSE school or secondary school or high school or boarding school or residential school or any board of school it may be providing the right education is the utmost important thing for any institution.

Without proper education, your children can’t get through the obstacles and challenges they face in their entire life until death. You do find a lot of schools offering various kinds of facilities along with studies like sports, games, yoga, karate etc.

If you are living nearby Srikakulam and have an idea of sending your lovely kid to a school which has a facility like a residential campus you should definitely look for the best schools in Srikakulam. Because as a parent you will always want the best out of the best for your children, it is a universal attitude.

Now consider the following points you should keep in mind while looking for the top schools in Srikakulam.

It should give equal importance to both education and extracurricular activities.
It should develop the taught process of your children by doing various brain exercising activities like puzzles, brainstorming sessions, abacus classes etc.
It should contain all the basic requirements like well experienced faculty, playground, indoor stadium, yoga rooms etc.
It should treat each and every student with utmost care and must treat each and every student in the same manner whether he is dull or clever.
It should teach your kids in such a way that they need to know each and every aspect of a subject in detail.
The school must develop the child to learn how to speak in public effectively.
The school must possess a good infrastructure.
The school must give equal importance to curriculum and extracurricular activities.
The school should follow all the rules and regulations set up by the government

All the above mentioned points are with Delhi Public School in Srikakulam. Here in Delhi Public school, you can find your children in such a way that they can speak in public effectively irrespective of the topic given. In this school, you can find an overall development of children in all aspects whether it is technical or nontechnical.

Things To Know About Delhi Public School, a top CBSE school in Srikakulam

The foundation of education for any person in the world is the school which allows him to learn many new things in his/her life like…… how to sort out problems that they will come across, gaining knowledge about various kinds of current affairs, being motivated on their own etc.

You can see all these kinds of things in Delhi Public School in Srikakulam where they mold the students sharper by performing various kinds of activities that creates interest in children’s mind thus making them involved which implies improving concentration as well.

Facilities at Delhi Public School in Srikakulam:

This school which is provided with the best of all compared with any other school in the entire Srikakulam.

Sports and Games:

It is provided with a big playground having games like cricket, volleyball, football, kabaddi etc…
It consists of an indoor stadium where all other games that were not played outdoors were played here.
Playing games and sports increases the metabolism rate of a child and it also enhances the physical stamina of students which is actually required to maintain good health. Thus the Delhi public school in Srikakulam is playing a crucial role in the success of your children.


The classrooms are equipped with small tables accommodating 3 to 4 students in individual chairs per table(for primary standards).
Secondary school students are having blackboards…..where classes go on them and if there is any assignment like giving lectures to students based on suggested topics to students they can give seminars as well.
In each of the floors students can have mineral water facility to drink and canteens are provided at required places for students.

Facilities provided at

The school campus looks beautiful all around surrounded by beautiful trees thus with a good environment.
Classrooms are provided with fun activities like drawing and doing some kind of activities which allows your kid to think.
Once the classes are done they are allowed to play games in the playground where lots of games are played like table tennis, snooker, cricket, chess, caroms etc.
The Delhi Public School consists of laboratories for 12th and 10th standards like Computer lab, Physics lab, chemistry lab and also a big library equipped with a large number of books usable to students to enhance their educational career.
Pure drinking mineral water is always provided to students.


Smart Class Room
Spacious Library
Audio Visual Room
Art & Craft Room
Staff Quarters
Play Courts
Dining Hall
Science Lab
Maths Lab
Computer Lab
Play Grounds
Principal Residence


If you are looking for CBSE schools in Srikakulam, then nothing can be a better option than Delhi Public School in Srikakulam. From the infrastructure to the course structure to the faculty to the facilities provided, everything is a step ahead of the time and you can validate it only after choosing us. Delhi Public School is waiting to embrace your children and bring out the best version of them in a matter of a few years.

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