How to start planning for buying a home in Srikakulam

How to Plan to Buy a House

Most of us put our blood and sweat into our professional lives so as to have a settled personal life. Often the pinnacle of the steep mountain of goals we climb is buying a house. Buying your house is definitely a more pleasurable experience than it appears. If you cannot imagine then just think that you will have ownership over a land in this huge world.

A land, one of its kind will be called your home, within whose boundaries the story of your life will be written, the walls of whose will document every single emotion of yours, the doors of which will warmly welcome you after a long, tiring day. I hope this stirred you up. Believe me it’s a very emotional process. But just like you and me, millions of people are trying to acquire their own spaces. Therefore, finding a suitable home and buying it, is a very cumbersome process.

Above all, this is a task that demands heavy investment. Taking these things into account, it is evident that serious planning prior to buying a house is of utmost importance.

Buying a new house in India requires the best in-class planning and effort. Saving more money for purchasing a home with more features in an extensive location will make our family more than happy.

Top 10 steps that you can follow to turn your first home dream into reality:

Start Your Research Early:
Start knowing about your preferred property so you can begin the search in web sites, magazines and newspapers about the many real estate listings. You can obtain the relevant details about the property of your interest in the market. Scan through all kinds of housing trends in the specified area that is convenient for purchasing the home at the best price. 

Choose a Real Estate Agency:
It is hard for any homebuyer to search their home for sale in the city alone; so hiring a trusted real estate agency will be more convenient. They will list out the ideal home for sale at your preferred location, price along with features that suit you while you have ample idea of the properties. 

Location of the property is one important factor as you deserve many amenities near to your home that make it so convenient for leading a modern life. Transportation, too, is one of the prime factors in buying a home that has access to nearby facilities like schools, colleges, business hubs and many others in facilitating great mobility. 

Determine How Much You Can Afford:
Most of the lenders usually recommend the homebuyers with the cost of no more than four to five times of their annual household income. When you like buying a home with all the facilities at the lowest price then go for it and make the down payment of 20% for the property. Knowing the financial situation is more important and you can use the affordability calculator apps for determining your affordability in the best manner possible.  

Shop For Your Home:
It is most important and helpful to visit many homes to get some cool ideas to shop for your new home. Cool modern features of a home are a must before buying and you can take notes, pictures and videos of the houses that you are visiting to get the list of features.

Comparing them will be convenient for buying the preferred house in the best manner. Test all electrical systems, plumbing systems and water pressure in the house. Check all the doors and windows with opening and closing them. 

Evaluating The Neighborhood:
Neighborhood is so important for a safe and comfortable living which emphasizes you need to plan accordingly. Get a complete solution for how to buy a home with all the modern facilities and enjoy living with your family. Some of the facts are listed below:

  1. Check out the houses in the street or blocks if they are maintained well
  2. Find out how the traffic was in the street
  3. See if there is spacious street parking for the vehicles
  4. Check that the neighborhood is located conveniently near to the places of interest such as shopping centers, parks, restaurants, public transportation among others

Get The Home Inspection:
When you are ready to buy a home, then you need to inspect the property for checking possible structural damages or signs if any. The real estate agents will also arrange for the inspection that is conducted to make sure that the home is in a good condition. 

Get The Pre Approved For The Credit For Mortgage:
Buying a new home with the appropriate budget will be more convenient. You can choose the pre-qualified mortgage for choosing the modern home with the higher budget.

However, you need to provide some of the financial information for the mortgage banker like the annual income, investments and amount of savings. The lender will automatically revive the information and provide the appropriate price for your home. The lender will verify your credit and financial status.

Basics Of Real Estate For The 1st Time Buyers:

Being a 1st-time buyer, you will find a lot of things that you ought to consider while purchasing houses. Neglecting to take good care can finally take an enormous toll on your monetary condition. You will find a few of the mistakes that you might make if you don’t have a proper understanding associated with this.

Some people don’t mind as to what sort of materials are used and the making of the house. Sometimes these materials might be of low quality and can result in damage soon. Checking up the standard from the materials in the making of the house is vital. Checking the houses ought to be done strictly.

The cost may also be another important factor. When the 1st time buyers are ignorant concerning the market cost, they could get scammed easily. So searching for the affordable rates is essential and, therefore, it’s also wise to have a very good understanding concerning the market trend and costs.

Keeping these aspects in your mind is required to purchase a home of your dreams. The above listed are a few common errors that the majority of 1st time buyers commit. It is best to follow along with a few tips which could clearly cause you to understand the necessary things that you ought to bear in mind while dealing with a genuine real estate business. 

Getting a home of your dreams ought to be done with a few processes. Next we’ll list you a few of the effective advice which you’ll follow while purchasing houses anytime.

Before you search a house, the most crucial factor would be choosing the right place. It’s a fundamental part of the home purchasing process. You need to set your demands and focal points first. Pick the location that you simply feel satisfied and comfy. 

Some people may like to obtain the location where they have more hospitals, schools, along with other needed facilities nearby. Although some purchasers search for the calm and quiet places, where they will find no traffic. 

So deciding the place may be the primary factor you need to choose.

After having your location set, you ought to have a take on the required taxes along with other finances. Make certain whether you really can afford the cost and are able to purchase. After clearing this step, you’re then effective to proceed.

The home which you might buy needs extra modifications or repairs and, therefore, you should reserve some extra cash for the said reasons. Saving and making your money ready is very much needed and essential.

Inspect the house in a much deeper way looking at the types of materials, roofs, etc. Give a closer look throughout the inspection. If you discover any issues inside it, you will be able to request for that cost reduction.

Be ready with the documents and contracts. Always browse the contracts prior to signing by using it. You will however need to carefully cope with these kinds of documents.

These are the effective methods which you’ll understand throughout the house purchasing process as a 1st-time real estate buyer. Neglecting to do these necessary to-dos may lead you to face damaging situations. So monitor and be aware of each one of these factors on a regular basis.


Keeping the above tips in mind will definitely open up better opportunities for you in this field. But be very meticulous while planning to purchase your home. Introspect and evaluate your financial readiness. It is because once you buy your house a lot of other expenditure will come along with it which might completely change the shape of your monthly budget. You need to repay the home loans, pay the property taxes, homeowner’s insurance and the list goes on.

Besides, regular maintenance works and unanticipated repairs are sure to shake some pennies out of your pocket. So, if you think you are ready to shoulder this financial burden then go on and grab a home to call your own.

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